Simile Divine

O Socrates, his wisdom great, was standing by a brook
I saw him there, his mind elsewhere, just like in Plato’s book
Encouraged by his seeming still, I step’d forth to stand by him
I asked him where his mind had gone, he said “you watch as I swim”

O Socrates, in your wisdom fine
You have set forth such a simile divine
O Socrates
O Socrates
O Socrates, in your wisdom fine

My furrow’d brow was evidence of how much I did ponder
At what this wise old man had meant when he had spoken yonder
He said I watched him as he swam, and then he watched the birds
What sort of allegory was enshrouded in his words?

I asked him if his statement was a metaphor for life
His swimming was his teaching, and the river was his strife
Perhaps I was to watch him and to learn from his mistakes
And one day I would swim with him within enlightened lakes


He smiled and shook his head, He hadn’t meant that metaphor
And so I closed my eyes and thought, and then I thought some more
I’d clearly thought too simple, and invoked Socrates’ mirth
Perhaps it was a metaphor for seeing his rebirth

I put to him my thoughts and asked if he’d meant renaissance
He laughed at me and smiled, and he did a little dance
“It was not metaphor” said he, “on life, or birth, or God.”
He said “I meant it literal” and turned into a cod


I watched as Socrates the cod went swimming in the creek
No words came from his fishy mouth, no wisdom did I seek
His words had manifested, he was swimming while I watched
Deflated, I had had my quest for wisdom quashed


Hats as the Story of Stories; and the Importance of Stories.

Let’s say I was accused by a straw man of making an unsound decision based on information he has.

I am then labelled an idiot, or a stupid, in his mind. I have not taken all of the facts into account when making my choices. Therefore my entire life’s-worth of decisions should be called into question. After all, if I have made one stupid call, why assume I have not made numerous others?

My rebuttal is this: I Am Not Wearing Your Hat.

Continue reading “Hats as the Story of Stories; and the Importance of Stories.”

New Pome!

Here is a new pome (n. A poem which the author does not consider high brow enough to be considered a poem) what I wrote!

I don’t usually do a new blog post for every new piece of writing I put on the site but today is a special day (i.e I probably should post more often to give this blog a semblance of life, and this is a good excuse to do so.)

The pome is called I Think I’m The Bad Guy and it is superserious.

Now I can just post it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, MySpace, Reddit… And I will be a marketing guru!


Does everything have to be so black and white that someone can legitimately say “You’re either with us or you’re against us” and mean it? Racist_sheep

You’re either an egalitarian or a racist; an activist or sexist; an animal-killer or a member of PETA; religious or atheist. Far too often there is little understanding of the halfway.

I’m concerned about this because of my current religious dilemma. It would seem that I have supposedly pledged allegiance to two sides of a battlefront.

Continue reading “Philosophy”

People are not consistent

People are not consistent. Characters in stories are consistent, but only because if a character was as inconsistent as a real person, the audience would Bob Kelso took a number of seasons to become complicatedcomplain that the character was not well developed.

The annoyance to come from this is that a lot of our influence, our social information on how we should act, comes from media. And by media I don’t just mean movies and TV, I mean books, music, comics, YouTube and every way in which a story can be told.

Because of this, we develop a persona. We ‘create’ our own character,  and then we strive to portray this character in our day-to-day lives.

I have recently had the challenge (and the pleasure) of getting to know new people, and the question that has risen numerous times is “Is this person getting to know the real me?”

Continue reading “People are not consistent”

Begs, Allow I 2 Ranting Bout Grammar

Translation: Please, allow me to rant about grammar.

hmmmm-i-disagrees-with-your-theories (143x200) Not a rant as such, but a hopeful advisory notice for those who do not know how to speak (or write) the beautiful English language.

My reasons for disliking the misuse of the language are many:

Firstly, English is a language. Language is a form of communication. If you are not speaking the language correctly, then the intended receiver of your message is instead receiving utter nonsense and a headache.

Unless, in the case of special discourses (lolcat, txtspk) the receiver is also fluent in this language. Then you may “Can I has” all you like, all day long.

The problem comes when someone is attempting to communicate a complicated message to someone outside of the discourse of their language. For example:

I can has life? I r livin? I r thinkin, therfor I is! It simpel!

Continue reading “Begs, Allow I 2 Ranting Bout Grammar”

Death of the Author (And May He Stay That Way)

Picture 007 (200x150) I am currently going through my previous blog posts, so as to assign some tags to them. Prior to this, most of them were listed under the phenomenally useful “Uncategorized” category, or the deceivingly non-descriptive “General Posts” category.

General Posts. How can a post be a General Post? This thought amused me for a moment or two before I moved on to the next, far more interesting one.

If a post is about nothing, then it cannot be a post, can it?

General Posts, for me, was originally just a category to click at the last minute after having written a post and strongly disliking the concept of having a plethora of “Uncategorized” posts.

(The quotation marks are there because I am using the American spelling. I do not wish to confuse those who see the word “colour” in the same page as “Uncategorized.”)

In a few posts, I found some sentences which I would have liked to have written better. Some were linguistically iffy, some were grammatically stupid.

After a small amount of thought (that is, after all, the amount I am capable of without tangenting… er, where was I? Oh yes.) I decided that I would not, in fact, change them to the newer, grammatically superior wordings.

Continue reading “Death of the Author (And May He Stay That Way)”